
Friday Oct 14, 2011
Who Goes There?
Friday Oct 14, 2011
Friday Oct 14, 2011
SomeTHING awoke in our collective imagination when science fiction writer John W Campbell posed the question "Who Goes There?" in his 1938 novella about a chameleon space invader discovered beneath the Antarctic ice. The classic tale of intergalactic deception has paranoid themes and horrific imagery that continues to replicate on film: The Thing From Another World (1951), John Carpenter's The Thing (1982), and today's new The Thing prequel.
As a companion to the current NowPlayingPodcast.com donation drive movie review series, Stuart In LA performs an autopsy on this unique literary specimen to try and provide a satisfying answer to Campbell's eternal query: Who Goes There?

Monday Oct 10, 2011
Silence of the Lambs
Monday Oct 10, 2011
Monday Oct 10, 2011
Prepare the Chianti and fava beans. Books and Nachos is having a month long meal with author Thomas Harris and his seminal creation Dr. Hannibal Lecter. As a companion podcast to the current movie review series over at NowPlayingPodcast.com, Stuart In LA is cracking the spines on the four novels that inspired the five films to feature the caged cannibal.
Before he was winning Oscars and chewing up the silver screen, Hannibal Lecter appeared in the 1988 novel The Silence of The Lambs to help a female FBI trainee catch a woman-skinning psycho. Join Stuart as he ponders the ways a woman's touch changes our notorious antihero, even as he hatches his bloody escape plan.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2011
Red Dragon
Tuesday Oct 04, 2011
Tuesday Oct 04, 2011
Prepare the Chianti and fava beans. Books and Nachos is having a month long meal with author Thomas Harris and his seminal creation Dr. Hannibal Lecter. As a companion podcast to the current movie review series over at NowPlayingPodcast.com, Stuart In LA is cracking the spines on the four novels that inspired the five films to feature the caged cannibal.
Our first course of Lecter is Red Dragon, the 1981 crime novel that introduced the iconic serial killer to the world and serves as the source material for both the 1986 Michael Mann film MANHUNTER and 2002 Brett Ratner effort RED DRAGON. Join Stuart as he gets inside Lecter's head to analyze what makes the psycho shrink pit an idolizing new mass murderer against the profiler who put him behind bars.

Thursday Apr 21, 2011
Jaws: The Revenge by Hank Searls
Thursday Apr 21, 2011
Thursday Apr 21, 2011
Under the best of circumstances, novelizations of films add a bit of depth to a screenplay, but anyone who's seen the film Jaws: The Revenge knows these are not the best of circumstances. As a companion to Now Playing's Jaws Movie Review podcast series, Stuart in L.A. is here to review the novelization of this much-maligned film. While author Hank Searls certainly had an unenviable task turning this screenplay about a shark seeing revenge against the Brody family, was his conversion from script to prose a positive one, or did it go belly up? Join Stuart as he details this novel's differences from the film, and describes if it's better or worse!

Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
In 2004 Decipher Trading Cards launched the WARS Card Game, a game based on their previous Star Wars TCG. With a background story written in part by Michael Stackpole and John Howe, WARS was immediately embraced by gamers, yet not successful enough to continue making card sets beyond 2005.
However the story behind the WARS universe continues now with this first Novella, Healers and Hunters by Nathan P. Butler.
As most people have likely never heard of WARS, is it a worthy read? Listen as Arnie fills in the uninitiated on the WARS universe and reviews this book.

Tuesday Mar 29, 2011
Jaws by Peter Benchley
Tuesday Mar 29, 2011
Tuesday Mar 29, 2011
You've seen the movie, but have you read the bestselling book of Jaws? While many things are similar, the differences may surprise you! In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of the Jaws movies, Stuart is back on Books & Nachos exploring the source material that inspired the original summer blockbuster movie!

Friday Mar 04, 2011
The Adjustment Team
Friday Mar 04, 2011
Friday Mar 04, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "The Adjustment Team", the short story from 1954 that inspired the Matt Damon/Emily Blunt romance THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU.

Friday Feb 25, 2011
The Golden Man
Friday Feb 25, 2011
Friday Feb 25, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "The Golden Man", the short story from 1953 that inspired the Nicholas Cage action thriller NEXT.

Friday Feb 18, 2011
A Scanner Darkly by Philip K Dick
Friday Feb 18, 2011
Friday Feb 18, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "A Scanner Darkly", the 1977 novel that inspired the psychedelic Keanu Reeves/Richard Linklater animation movie.

Friday Feb 11, 2011
Paycheck by Philip K Dick
Friday Feb 11, 2011
Friday Feb 11, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "Paycheck", the short story from 1953 that inspired the Ben Affleck/John Woo action movie.