
Friday Feb 04, 2011
Minority Report by Philip K Dick
Friday Feb 04, 2011
Friday Feb 04, 2011
\In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "The Minority Report", the 1956 novella that inspired the Tom Cruise/Steven Spielberg blockbuster.

Friday Jan 28, 2011
Impostor by Philip K Dick
Friday Jan 28, 2011
Friday Jan 28, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "Impostor", the 1953 short story that inspired a Gary Sinise/Vincent D'Onofrio action-mystery.

Friday Jan 21, 2011
Second Variety by Philip K Dick
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Jan 21, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "Second Variety", the 1953 novella that inspired the Peter Weller midnight movie SCREAMERS.

Friday Jan 14, 2011
We Can Remember It For You Wholesale by Philip K. Dick
Friday Jan 14, 2011
Friday Jan 14, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale", the short story from 1966 that inspired the Arnold Schwartzeneggar/Paul Verhoeven action movie TOTAL RECALL.

Monday Jan 10, 2011
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick
Monday Jan 10, 2011
Monday Jan 10, 2011
In partnership with Now Playing's retrospective of all Philip K Dick screen adaptations, Books & Nachos explores the source material that inspired the movies and transformed the science fiction genre for a whole generation of readers.
This week Stuart takes a look at seminal 1968 novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", the dystopian detective novel that gave birth to the Harrison Ford/Ridley Scott classic BLADE RUNNER.

Friday Nov 26, 2010
An Interview with David Morrell
Friday Nov 26, 2010
Friday Nov 26, 2010
Finishing our series looking back at the Rambo novels and novelizations, Arnie sits down with author David Morrell. Morrell wrote First Blood over a decade before Stallone embodied the character onscreen, and then Morrell returned to Rambo by novelizing the screenplays for the first two film sequels.
Now David Morrell opens up about why he chose to adapt someone else's story for his character, his thoughts on the films and the Rambo cartoon series, and tell us about how Rambo has influenced his career.

Friday Nov 19, 2010
Rambo 3 by David Morrell
Friday Nov 19, 2010
Friday Nov 19, 2010
This week on Books & Nachos, we look at Rambo 3, written by David Morrell, author of the original Rambo novel First Blood. The film was a financial disappointment and almost killed the Rambo film franchise, but was the book our worst literary nightmare, or could Morrell save this plot-line from the torture? Listen to find out! Then come back to booksandnachos.com next week as Arnie sits down with David Morrell to discuss all three Rambo novels!

Friday Nov 12, 2010
Rambo - First Blood Part 2 by David Morrell
Friday Nov 12, 2010
Friday Nov 12, 2010
Rambo made his first appearance in 1972 in David Morrell's novel First Blood, which was then adapted into a film. The film was a huge success, and so a sequel was made written by James Cameron and Sylvester Stallone. As movie novelizations are big business a novel was commissioned. None of this is shocking until you look closely at the cover--Rambo's original creator, David Morrell, returned to write the novelization of his character in a story in which he had no input. This is a very unique situation, and since our partner podcast Now Playing is reviewing all the Rambo films we felt this movie novelization would be worth a look. Listen to find out if we were right!

Friday Nov 05, 2010
First Blood by David Morell
Friday Nov 05, 2010
Friday Nov 05, 2010
Books & Nachos' sister podcast, Now Playing, is spending November reviewing all of the Rambo films, so Books & Nachos decided to look back at Rambo's origin in David Morell's 1972 classic novel First Blood. How does the book compare to the legend? Listen to Arnie's review to find out, then come back later this month as Arnie interviews David Morell about Rambo!

Wednesday Feb 10, 2010
George Lucas's Blockbusting edited by Alex Ben Block and Lucy Autrey Wilson
Wednesday Feb 10, 2010
Wednesday Feb 10, 2010
George Lucas's Blockbusting may sound like a book chronicling George Lucas' rise to box office dominance, first through his Star Wars films, and then through Indiana Jones and the other movies he's been a part of; however, this book is actually a cultural and financial look at movies through history, including what Lucas and the editors deemed the 300 "Blockbuster" movies from 1913 through 2005. On this episode of Books & Nachos, Arnie interviews Alex Ben Block to discuss how the included films were selected, and then reviews this book to see if it deserves a place on your bookshelf!