
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Last week the fourth, and final, Hunger Games film Mockingjay Part 2, dominated theaters. Now that you've had a chance to see how the movie concludes the story of Katniss Everdeen you can join Stuart for his review of Collins original Mockingjay novel. Then head to Now Playing Podcast's donation page to hear Stuart, Jakob, and Arnie review crew's thoughts on all the Hunger Games films! Those movie reviews are only available during the Fall, 2015 donation drive, so donate today!

Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
In 2009 Catching Fire fanned the flames of Hunger Games fans worldwide. Continuing the adventures of Katniss Everdeen, Collins' novel puts her back in the arena for another adventure. In preparation for tonight's release of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 movie, join Stuart in L.A. for a look back at Collins' middle novel in the trilogy. Then head to Now Playing Podcast's donation page to hear Stuart, Jakob, and Arnie review crew's thoughts on all the Hunger Games films! Those movie reviews are only available during the Fall, 2015 donation drive, so donate today!

Thursday Nov 12, 2015
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
The Hunger Games novels topped the New York Times best seller lists and went on to become Amazon's all-time top selling book series (outselling even Harry Potter). It has since gone on to become a billion-dollar film franchise. In anticipation of the upcoming The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 Stuart in LA is here to review the original novels. In this episode Stuart looks at the original The Hunger Games. Is this the next Twilight, or is it the next The Running Man? Join Stuart in L.A. now for this review, then head to Now Playing Podcast's donation page to hear Stuart, Jakob, and Arnie review crew's thoughts on the film! Those movie reviews are only available during the Fall, 2015 donation drive, so donate today!

Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
In 1999 Japanese author Koushun Takami gained global notice for his novel Battle Royale. In this ultraviolent, 600-plus page dystopian novel the Japanese government holds an annual competition where Junior High students must kill each other. The last student to survive is the "winner." The book has been released multiple times in English, been the inspiration for the Battle Royale film series, and had a manga adaptation. And Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins has been accused of plagiarizing Battle Royale for her hit trilogy. Is the novel worth the fuss? Join Stuart in L.A. now for this review of the English translation of Battle Royale. Then head to Now Playing Podcast's donation page to hear Stuart, Jakob, and Arnie review crew's thoughts on the film! Those movie reviews are only available during the Fall, 2015 donation drive, so donate today!

Friday Jun 26, 2015
The Lost World by Michael Crichton
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Michael Crichton never intended to write a sequel to his bestselling novel Jurassic Park. But when Stephen Spielberg's film was a smash success and the director, and fans, requested a follow-up, Crichton obliged. What were the results? Join Stuart in L.A. for this review of Crichton's novel, then head to Now Playing Podcast's donation page to hear that crew's thoughts on the film! Those movie reviews are only available until July 31, 2015, then they become extinct like the dinosaurs, so donate today!

Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Today the words Jurassic Park bring to mind a T-Rex roaring at a car, Sam Neil running through a pack of CGI dinosaurs, and John Williams score--all from Steven Spielberg's hit 1993 film. But before it was a movie, Jurassic Park was a bestselling novel by sci-fi author Michael Crichton. The book and the movie share some basic plot elements, but there are also key differences. How do they compare? Join Stuart in L.A. for this review of Crichton's novel, then head to Now Playing Podcast's donation page to hear that crew's thoughts on the film! Those movie reviews are only available until July 31, 2015, then they become extinct like the dinosaurs, so donate today!

Monday Mar 30, 2015
The Long Walk by Stephen King (as Richard Bachman)
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
King's first novel wasn't Carrie, it was The Long Walk written while the author was a college freshman. It tells of a dystopian, alternate America in which the national pastime isn't Baseball, it's a contest of stamina and will--The Long Walk. King's story of one of these Walks, and walker Raymond Garraty, wouldn't be published for over a decade, until it was released in 1979 as the second novel by King's pen name "Richard Bachman." In this episode of Books & Nachos, Arnie reviews and analyzes this early work by the bestselling author. Join him now in this review of the second Bachman Book!

Monday Feb 16, 2015
Monday Feb 16, 2015
Mark Millar's comic Kick-Ass was adapted to film by director Matthew Vaughn. Now the two have teamed up again with Kingsman: The Secret Service, an idea the two men spawned while filming Kick-Ass. The story tells of Gary, a juvenile delinquent who's given one last chance at a legitimate life--as a British secret agent! A clever twist on the old James Bond formula, is this comic worth reading? Join the hosts to find out, then join them LIVE, Tuesday Feb 17th at 9:30 pm EST at NowPlayingPodcast.com for the review of the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service.

Saturday Jan 10, 2015
The Stand by Stephen King - Part 6
Saturday Jan 10, 2015
Saturday Jan 10, 2015
With his fifth published novel Stephen King went big--a tale about God and demons with the backdrop of a dystopian future. Involving fears both realistic and fantastic, many King fans cite this as the author's best work to date. Now Arnie continues his reviews of all King's works with this multi-part podcast series reviewing The Stand. In this final segment of this review Arnie gives is final review on the book, discusses which of the three print editions is best, and also reviews Marvel Comic's 31-issue comic series based on King's novel.

Friday Jan 09, 2015
The Stand by Stephen King - Part 5
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Friday Jan 09, 2015
With his fifth published novel Stephen King went big--a tale about God and demons with the backdrop of a dystopian future. Involving fears both realistic and fantastic, many King fans cite this as the author's best work to date. Now Arnie continues his reviews of all King's works with this multi-part podcast series reviewing The Stand. In the fifth part of this review Arnie looks at The Stand's climax, which reaches biblical proportions, and compares the ending in the original and the 1990 unabridged versions.